Athyxian Chronicles Reign of Viscus Book Reviews

11/07/2010 14:00

    Athyxian Chronicles Reign of Viscus is a chilling tale of mystery, enchantment and literary imagination. The concept of a pantheon of higher beings that formed the ancient world is likened to Greek mythology, but, only darker. The author spins a tale that leaves you hanging on every word from start to finish. Filled with dark elves and mystical beings of unimaginable power, Athyxian Chronicles Reign of Viscus is a must read for those who enjoy a superb fantasy. The ending of this tale leaves open the possibility of many sequels to come to the story of the Athyxian Chronicles Reign of Viscus. If the author does pen more of this saga then I will be the first in line to read the continuation of a well written story.


 Paul C. Kerr







   Ryan Miller writes, "Finished reading "Athyxian Chronicles: Reign of Viscus" this morning on my Kindle. Seriously, a very nice read. I thoroughly enjoyed the story/characters and was left wanting more to read! Thanks Kevin! Nice work."